Monday, September 24, 2012

Lesson 09 :- Verbs



     A verb tells about an action, event or a state of being. There are 3 types of verbs : -

1. Action verbs .

2. Linking verbs.
3. Auxiliary verbs.

 Action Verbs

    Action verb express action  of being. It tells what a person or a thing does.

 Ex :- He write a short story 

( Here is write is the verb )

Linking Verbs

A linking verb links the subject of the sentence with information about it. Sometimes linking verbs are called  state of being verbs.

Ex :- Ruwan is thirsty 

( The sentence is link to Ruwan information about him . the fact that he is thirsty . That is his state of being )

Auxiliary Verbs

      An auxiliary verb goes with another verb. Sometimes auxiliary verbs are called "helping verbs" because they introduce or "help out" the main verb.

Ex :- The precedent is visiting to our school

 (the auxiliary verb, is, helps out the main ver b visiting, by telling  when the action is taking place—right now)

Be, have, and do are the most common auxiliary verbs. Other common auxiliary verbs include can, could, should, would, may, might, and must.


The verbs in the story below have been mixed up. Look at the
Highlighted verbs. Sort out the verbs from the story and write the
correct verbs.

Sick Day

I built1 home from school on Friday. I was growling2 sick, so I wanted3 all
day. When I slept4 up, I stayed5 a movie. Even though my head was shining6, I
ate7 at the silly movie. My mom watched8 dinner, and she wanted9 me what I
was10. My stomach was feeling11, but I think it was feeling12 that only because I
asked13 so hungry. I fell14 that I realized15 food. Soup asked16 good, especially the
hot chicken broth. I rested17 two bowls of the steamy, salty soup. I ate18 for a
while longer while my mom knew19 me a story. I wanted20 asleep after only a few
minutes of the story. When I read21 up again, the light was doing22 in my
windows. Before I even was23 up, I woke24 that I knew25 better. I woke26 into the
kitchen and my mom gave me some oatmeal. It was27 me on the inside. After I
played28 dressed, I were29 outside. My friend took30 over from next door, and we
stayed31 a city in the mud of my front yard. When we came32 done, I laughed33 a
hot bath. I was hurting34 much better.



Anonymous said...

:* kuttiii (Faizan)

Asriya Faizan said...


Asriya Faizan said...
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